nDay in Primary Care Questionnaires
There are two questionnaires: one is filled out by the patient in the waiting room and one is filled out by the collaborating Primary Care physician or associated staff who carries out the medical appointment with the patient.
As for all other nutritionDay category, also the nDay in Primary care audit works by means of questionnaires.
The questionnaire has two parts:
1. Patient questionnaire: the first part is to be filled out by the patients themselves in the waiting room (11 questions, 5 mins).
Only patients (>18years old), who came to visit the primary healthcare doctor or associated staff in the Primary Care center. Also patients who are visited by the doctor at home can participate to the nDay audit.
2. Healthcare Practitionaire questionnaire: the second part to be filled out by the collaborating Primary Care physician or associated staff who carried out the medical appointment with the patient. (5 questions, 2 mins)
Physician, dieticians, nutritionists, nurses and specialists can participate to the audit, providing data on comorbidities, nutritional therapy instituted and follow-up needs. Outcome is collected after six months form nDay.
The data collected on paper sheets will be transferred into the international nDay database created for this purpose. No patients can be identified from the database. Each patient will be assigned a number, so that only the doctor who performed the medical appointment can identify to which patient each answer belongs to. The data collected will be held by the physicians who collaborate with the study and will only be kept for the time necessary for data processing. The data will be entered into the international nutritionDay database and used for further analysis.
Patient questionnaire
It comprises 11 questions written in a easy languange and it is filled out by the patient in the waiting room of the Primary care Center before the visit. Also patients who are visited by the doctor at home can participate to the nDay audit.
Patients are asked about their sex, age, weight, height, eating habits, amount of food intake, mobility, weight loss in recent months, self-perception of health, symptoms that caused a lower appetite (if applied), gastrointestinal symptoms, number of medications taken per day, recent hospitalization or recent surgery.
If needed, patients can be helped by the staff to fill out the questionnaire.
Healthcare Practitionaire questionnaire
It comprises 6 questions (2 mins) and it is filled out by the doctor or unit staff during the visit with the patient.
Unit staff are asked to report reasons for visiting doctor, diagnoses and comorbidities, nutritional therapy (if any), what is next step planned for the patient and Outcome collection 6 months after nDay.
A human icon helps doctor indicating patient's diagnoses and comorbidities.
Languages available:
Belgian Dutch (Flemish)
Belgian French
Portuguese / Brasil